Das Ziel von melon ist es Ihren Vermietungsprozess so einfach wie möglich zu gestalten. Dazu haben wir Email Vorlagen mit spezifischen Platzhaltern entwickelt, die Sie in Ihrem Vermietungsprozess unterstützen.
Um zu lernen, wo Sie Email Vorlagen finden und diese bearbeiten können, besuchen Sie: Projekteinstellungen - Kommunikation
Email Vorlagen enthalten Platzhalter. Platzhalter in Email Vorlagen sind spezielle Marker oder Variablen, die in einer Vorlage verwendet werden, um personalisierte Inhalte automatisch einzufügen. Diese Platzhalter werden beim Senden der E-Mail durch individuelle Daten ersetzt, wie z.B. der Name des Empfängers, das hinterlegte Bezugsdatum oder andere Objekt spezifische Informationen.
Folgt geben wir Ihnen eine Übersicht über alle vorhandenen Platzhalter in melon.
- Platzhalter müssen in reckeckigen Klammern eingefügt werden. Dabei bildet [ den Anfang und ] das Ende.
- wenn keine Quelle hinterlegt ist wird ein ERROR in der Email angezeigt
Name des Platzhalters | Platzhalter | Info zur Quelle | Verfügbar in Email Vorlagen | Verfügbar in welchen Email Vorlagen |
Projekt | ||||
Projektname | place_project | Project settings → General → Project name | Ja | alle Email Vorlagen |
Website | place_contact_website | Project settings → General → Website | Ja | alle Email Vorlagen |
Kontaktperson | place_contact_person | Project settings → Contact → Contact | Ja | alle Email Vorlagen |
Telefonnummer Kontaktperson | place_contact_phone | Project settings → Contact → Telephone | Ja | alle Email Vorlagen |
Email Adresse Kontaktperson | place_contact_mail | Project settings → Contact → Email | Ja | alle Email Vorlagen |
Adresse Kontakt | place_contact_address | Project settings → Contact → Company, Street, Number, PLZ, City | Ja | alle Email Vorlagen |
Erwachsener | ||||
Titel (kurz) | place_title | Interested person / Application / Tenant → Title (Frau/Herr) | Ja | alle Email Vorlagen |
Titel (lang) | place_salutation | Interested person / Application / Tenant → Title (Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren) | Ja | allle Email Vorlagen |
Vorname | place_first_name | Interested person / Application / Tenant → First name | Ja | alle Email Vorlagen |
Nachname | place_name | Interested person / Application / Tenant → Name | Ja | alle Email Vorlagen |
Adresse | place_adresse | Interested person / Application / Tenant → Street + ZIP Code + City | Ja | alle Email Vorlagen |
place_email | Interested person / Application / Tenant → Email | Ja | alle Email Vorlagen | |
Telefonnummer | place_phone | Interested person / Application / Tenant → Telephone | Ja | alle Email Vorlagen |
Firmenname | place_company_name | Interested person / Application / Tenant → Company Name | Ja | alle Email Vorlagen |
Bewerbung (wenn die Quelle leer ist, wird der Platzhalter in der E-Mail als leer angezeigt) | ||||
Object Prio 1 | place_1st_priority | Interested person / Application / Tenant → Prio 1 | Ja |
Object Prio 2 | place_2nd_priority | Interested person / Application / Tenant → Prio 2 | Ja |
Object Prio 3 | place_3rd_priority | Interested person / Application / Tenant → Prio 3 | Ja |
Link: Delete application | place_delete_application | No source. Links to a page with button where the application can be deleted | Ja |
Link: Documents submit later | place_documents_to_hand | No source. Only for application → Document upload page | Ja |
Insurance solution | place_securities | Interested person / Application / Tenant → Securities provider details | Ja |
Link: To application (intern) | place_application_link | No source. Links to communication for interested person or detail view application / tenant | Ja |
Link: Landlord Reference | place_landlord_reference | No source. Links to reference form for Landlord | Ja |
Link: Employer Reference | place_employer_reference | No source. Links to reference form for Employer | Ja |
Link: Complete application | place_complete_personal_data | No source. when send to interested person info is prefilled | Ja |
Mieter (diese Platzhalter können nur an Mieter gesendet werden (Objekt muss zugewiesen werden) | ||||
Assigned apartment | place_apartment | Example: | Ja |
Assigned parking space | place_parking_spaces | Example: | Ja |
Assigned additional room | place_ancillary_rooms | Example: | yes Ja |
All assignments | place_all_assignments | Example: Bezeichnung: P3<br>Adresse: Lagerstrasse 1, 9000 Bern<br>Klasse: Einzelgarage | Ja |
Zuweisung (diese Platzhalter können nur an Mieter gesendet werden (Objekt muss zugewiesen werden) | ||||
Assigned apartment title | place_assignment_apartment_title | title of assigned apartment | Ja |
Assigned apartment floor | place_assignment_apartment_floor | floor of assigned apartment | Ja |
Assigned apartments net rent | place_assignment_apartment_incidental_costs | net rent of assigned apartment | Ja |
Assigned apartment additional costs 1 | place_assignment_apartment_additional_costs_1 | additional cost 1 of assigned apartment | Ja |
Assigned apartment additional costs 2 | place_assignment_apartment_additional_costs_2 | additional cost 2 of assigned apartment | Ja |
Assigned apartment ad title | place_assignment_apartment_tender_title | ad title of assigned apartment | Ja |
Assigned apartment ad description | place_assignment_apartment_tender_notice | ad description of assigned apartment | Ja |
Assigned apartment net rent | place_assignment_apartment_rentalgross_net | net rent of assigned apartment | Ja |
Assigned apartment gross rent | place_assignment_apartment_rentalgross | gross rent of assigned apartment | Ja |
Assigned apartment number of rooms | place_assignment_apartment_rooms | number of rooms of assigned apartment | Ja |
Assigned apartment min occupancy | place_assignment_apartment_min_occupancy | min occupancy of assigned apartment | Ja |
Assigned apartment address | place_assignment_apartment_address | address of assigned apartment | Ja |
Assigned apartment adults info | place_assignment_adults_info | info of all adult for assigned apartment Example: | Ja |
Todays date | place_today_date | shows todays date | Ja | all categories |
Angebot (diese Platzhalter können nur Bewerbern zugesandt werden, denen ein Angebot vorliegt (oder zugewiesen wurden)) | ||||
Offer validity (date) | place_offer_valid_till_date | Project Settings or offer popup | Ja |
Offered object | place_object_of_the_offer | Following information of the offered object: Bezeichnung: PP2 | Ja |
Additional objects | place_additional_offer_objects | Following information of the additional object offered: object: Dispo Raum 5 If no additional room → empty | Ja |
Link: Offer | place_offer_with_link | Link where the applicant can decline or accept offer | Ja |
Offer validity (Number of days) | place_offer_valid_for | Project Settings or offer popup | Ja |
Moving date | place_reference_date | Moving date chosen in offer popup | Ja |
Gross rent | place_gross_rent | gross rent of offered object | Ja |
Net rent | place_net_rent | net rent of offered object | Ja |
Incidental costs | place_incidentals | incidentals of offered object | Ja |
PDF plan | place_pdf | pdf of offered object | Ja |
Factsheets | place_factsheets | factsheet of offered object | Ja |
Situation plan | place_situation_plan | situation plan of offered object | Ja |
Capital share | place_capital_share | capital share of offered object | Ja |
Layout plan | place_layout_plan | layout plan of offered object | Ja |
Deposit | place_deposit | deposit of offered object | Ja |
Interessenten | ||||
Info regarding interested person | place_interested_form_submit | Example: | Ja | Alle Kategorien |
Link: Deactivate | place_opt_out | shows link to deactivate interested person | Ja | Alle Kategorien |
Date of assigned appointment | place_viewing_date | If no assigned appointment = empty Example: 23.11.2024 | Ja | Alle Kategorien |
object title appointment | place_viewing_object | object title of assigned appointment | Ja | Alle Kategorien |
link to application form | place_application_public_link | shows link to application form without any prefilled information | Ja | Alle Kategorien |
Link to appointment | place_viewing_link | shows link to appointment public view for prio 1 object | Ja | Alle Kategorien |
title of object | place_commitment_object_title | depending on where the email is sent, the title of object prio 1 or assigned object (offer open- assignment - without contract- with contract) | Ja | Alle Kategorien |
Warteliste | ||||
Link: for application update from | place_update_waitlist_application_form_link | Ja |
| |
Link: waitlist criteria form public view | place_waitlist_criteria_form_link | Ja |
| |
Link: waitlist object proposal public view | place_waitlist_proposal_view_link | Ja |
| |
Link: Unsubscribe | place_waitlist_public_decline_view_link | Ja |
| |
Link: Preview criteria | place_waitlist_criteria_preview_link | Ja |
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